

JHU expert on Clinical medicine give a lesson on Communication Skills


Clinical medicine professor Danelle Cayea from Johns Hopkins University was invited to visit SUSTech to give a lesson on Communication Skills.


October 11 2017, professor Danelle Cayea brought a wonderful lesson on Communication Skills to the 25 students who chose "Communication Skills" at 411 classroom in the first teaching building. During the course of the communication, the two sides have discussed many times and hoped that the students will learn from the interaction with professors from the world's top medical schools. From the classroom effect, students interact positively, and they have a very heated discussion with professor Danelle Cayea.


In the afternoon, professor Danelle Cayea gave a report entitled "Principles of Geriatric Care" at the library 111 lecture hall.

In the report, professor Danelle Cayea first described the problem of physical impairment in older adults, such as decreased hearing levels, sleep problems, cardiovascular problems, and so on. At the same time, the diagnosis and treatment of senile diseases are more complicated and difficult due to the remarkable difference of the individual. When the elderly are being treated for medication, new problems may be caused, and the new problem requires another drug to control and form a vicious cycle. For example, taking blood pressure medication for high blood pressure, resulting in the adverse reaction of swelling of the lower limb, and the treatment of the swelling of the lower limb caused dehydration. The problems of old people at the same age can be different, and they can't be treated together. Danelle Cayea professor pointed out that China in the coming decades, aging population will account for thirty percent of the total population. The research and development of this subject is very important.

Professor Danelle Cayea's wonderful report has attracted positive thinking and feedback from students. Including the question of how to treat the health food advertisement, how to deal with the pension problems in the new family structure under the influence of the one-child policy.